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Martin re-elected in Northern Ireland


David Martin will serve a further year as president of the Irish Football Association, and has pledged to continue to work to deliver football for all in Northern Ireland.

Irish Football Association president David Martin
Irish Football Association president David Martin ©IFA

David Martin has been re-elected as president of the Irish Football Association (IFA).

The 65-year-old took the helm of Northern Ireland’s national association in 2016, and was elected to serve another year by the association’s council.

His first two years as president have seen many highlights for the Irish FA, including the official opening of the National Football Stadium at Windsor Park in Belfast.

Martin has also overseen the development of the Irish FA’s new charitable foundation which works to deliver increased participation and positive football initiatives for the entire community in Northern Ireland.

‘I am honoured to serve the Irish Football Association for another year,” he said, “and I will continue to work to deliver football for all. We have delivered some aspects of our new five-year strategy, but we still have a considerable amount of work to do if we are to deliver on all our goals by 2022.”

“That’s an exciting challenge, and I look forward to that, as well as proudly representing Northern Ireland on the world stage.’