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Koumas at the helm in Cyprus


George Koumas has been elected as the new president of the Cyprus Football Association (CFA), succeeding the late Costakis Koutsokoumnis, for a term running until 2023.

Cyprus FA president George Koumas
Cyprus FA president George Koumas ©CFA

George Koumas has been elected as the new president of the Cyprus Football Association (CFA).

Koumas succeeds Costakis Koutsokoumnis, who passed away earlier this month, and his term of office will run until 2023.

“I accept the CFA presidency with selflessness and clear targets,” said Koumas at the CFA’s extraordinary general assembly in Nicosia. “I would like to send my warmest thanks to my dear friend Costakis Koutsokoumnis. Rest assured, we will stand worthy of his expectations.”

A former president of Enosis Neon Paralimni FC, Koumas was appointed assistant general secretary at the CFA in 2005, before taking on the role of the association’s deputy president two years later.

“Football is a part of our society, our culture, it has a rich history and is our finest ambassador abroad,” he said. “We need to safeguard it, but to also ensure that we keep raising the bar.”