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European football stands united against COVID-19 crisis: Gibraltar


  • Free pizza for health workers
  • Men’s and women’s national teams appear in StaySafeHome video
  • Teaming up with mental health charities to help people cope with self-isolation

In addition to organising a weekly pizza night at the main hospital, the Gibraltar Football Association has purchased iPads for patients and healthcare workers
In addition to organising a weekly pizza night at the main hospital, the Gibraltar Football Association has purchased iPads for patients and healthcare workers ©GFA

From kit managers to the general secretary, the Gibraltar Football Association has mobilised on several fronts, from running awareness campaigns and purchasing personal protective equipment for health workers to addressing the mental health risks of self-isolation and exploring e-learning courses for children studying at home.

Raising awareness: Gibraltar’s men’s and women’s national team members plus referees took part in WHO’s Safe Hands challenge, posting four videos. The same players also appeared in a StaySafeHome video encouraging everyone to stay at home, while men’s national team captain Roy Chipolina delivered a personal video message to football fans and local communities.

Supporting public services: The FA is purchasing extra personal protective equipment for frontline healthcare workers, doctors and nurses. In addition to organising a weekly pizza night at the main hospital, the FA has purchased iPads so patients and healthcare workers can stay in touch with their families. Football‘s governing body is also sponsoring the Gibraltar heath authority’s own social media campaign and providing content.

Coping with isolation: Two stars of the national team have helped produce home workout videos to help families stay fit at a time when training facilities are in lockdown. The football association is also exploring how to support the education ministry with e-learning courses for children, as well as working with mental health charities to encourage people to talk openly about the pressures of self-isolation.