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European football stands united against COVID-19 crisis: Italy


  • Azzurri set #TheRulesOfTheGame for defeating COVID-19
  • AS Roma’s foundation Roma Cares delivers care packs (containing essential food items and medical supplies such as face masks, protective gloves and hand sanitiser) to elderly season ticket holders

The Italian FA is doing its best to get the good-hygiene message across
The Italian FA is doing its best to get the good-hygiene message across ©FIGC

The Italian Football Association (FIGC) is running #TheRulesOfTheGame, a campaign capitalising on the power of football to increase public compliance, particularly among the young, with 11 critical ‘rules’ essential to containing the spread of COVID-19 and helping people through self-isolation.

Leading male and female national team players are delivering the rules through video messages with the hashtag #theRulesoftheGame. Key messages include:

  • “Doctors, you are our captain. We should all follow your advice – Stay at Home.”
  • “Keep your distance– this is not a match like any other.”

A special delivery by AS Roma to elderly fans
A special delivery by AS Roma to elderly fans©FIGC

The campaign also allows Italians to donate money to support national health facilities.

Among Serie A clubs, AS Roma’s foundation Roma Cares is delivering care packs to all season ticket holders over 75 years of age.