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Cebanu's sixth term in Moldova


Long-standing Football Association of Moldova (FAM) president Pavel Cebanu is starting another term in office after his re-election, and has identified grassroots development as a key priority.

Football Association of Moldova (FAM) president Pavel Cebanu
Football Association of Moldova (FAM) president Pavel Cebanu ©FMF

Pavel Cebanu has been re-elected as Football Association of Moldova (FAM) president for a sixth four-year term.

The election took place during the association's congress in Chișinău, and Cebanu, president since 1997, was confirmed in office unanimously by delegates.

"I want to thank the delegates for their support," said 61-year-old Cebanu."During all of these years throughout my presidency, I have felt a great responsibility for Moldovan football."

"We will continue to pay major attention to grassroots football, and it is very important to foster a winning mentality among the new generation of players," he added. "We will also pay special attention to our national teams."

Cebanu pledged progress on infrastructures and stadiums, as well as the development of the domestic league format, as part of the overall drive to take football forward in Moldova.

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