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Markov appointed Bulgaria coach


Plamen Markov, a former international midfield player, has been named the new coach of the Bulgarian national team.

Former international
The 44-year-old former national team midfield player replaced Stoicho Mladenov, who was sacked in October after the Czech Republic thrashed Bulgaria 6-0 and ended their hopes of making the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals. Stoyan Kotsev was appointed Bulgaria's Under-21 coach, taking over from Dimitar Alexiev who had been released together with Mladenov following the failure to qualify for the UEFA Under-21 European Championship.

Stint at CSKA
According to a BFS press officer, the two coaches are due to name their assistants by 15 December. Markov, who won 38 Bulgaria caps, is currently in charge of second division FC Vidima-Rakovski. He began his coaching career with France's Grenoble Foot 38 and had an unsuccessful stint as coach of FC CSKA Sofia in 1995 when he was sacked before the winter break after a run of bad results.

Moved to France
He played for CSKA for ten years from 1975 and won five league titles with them. Markov played 235 matches in the domestic premier league before moving to France where he played for Grenoble and FC Metz.

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