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San Marino mourns former general secretary Luciano Casadei


Luciano Casadei, who served as general secretary of the San Marino Football Federation (FSGC) for 28 years, has died at the age of 62.

Former San Marino Football Federation general secretary Luciano Casadei
Former San Marino Football Federation general secretary Luciano Casadei ©FSGC

The former general secretary of the San Marino Football Federation (FSGC), Luciano Casadei, has passed away at the age of 62.

He was a key figure within the association for 28 years, taking up the post of general secretary in 1989, a year after the republic had joined UEFA. Previously, Casadei had been sports director of SS Montevito (now FC Fiorentino).

Casadei held the position of FSCG general secretary until 2017. "The San Marino FA is close to Luciano Casadei's family, and expresses our condolences," the FSGC wrote on their official site. “Luciano Casadei was one of the greats of San Marino football.”