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Belgium - RBFA (re)launches its app

After a careful analysis of its Best of Belgian Football App in 2020, the Royal Belgian Football Association saw the need for a renewed digital platform as a central facilitator of our corporate strategy.


In order to grow commercially, which allows us to develop football in Belgium, and taking the new digital reality into account, the old set-up was no longer sufficient.

We want to be a media channel that offers exclusive and engaging content. We want to control the data and get to know our stakeholders as accurately as possible. And we want to control the visibility and messages of partners in advertisements that reach the right audiences. In this way, we can realise additional income, which can be reinvested in the development of football. We will also be able to better communicate our own messages and call our stakeholders to action, in order to attract more grassroots participants (players, coaches, referees, etc.) and national team fans, as well as sell more merchandising and tickets.

In March 2021, we launched the first version of our new Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) app, which allowed our fans to follow the national team during EURO 2020. Dedicated content, including news and video, could be consulted in an always-on way. Moreover, grassroots stakeholders could continue to consult the statistics of their favourite teams and themselves. Later on, in a later version, we added the functionality of quizzes, polls and match score predictions. After the summer break, the newest releases focused on the possibility to broadcast livestreams of our national teams’ games and grassroots football functionalities such as consulting coaching licences, courses and directions to games.

The objective is to further expand our app in 2022 with a lot of innovative features, to further enhance the customer experience of both football participants and fans. This will allow us to further monetise the assets of the application, including branded content, data-related activations and targeted communications.

Feel free to try out our RBFA app by downloading it from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. For more information, you can contact our RBFA knowledge centre on knowledge.centre@rbfa.be.

This article originally appeared in UEFA Direct 197