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The Technician: new issue out now

Publications Technical

In the annual issue of UEFA's regular publication for coaches we compile features on specialist coaches, technical directors and the development of the women's game from 2022.

A source of illumination on evolving trends in European football, The Technician is a regular publication for the coaching community across the continent.

It acts as a significant reference point for coaches, looking at tactical developments and shining a light on the work of the game's standard-setters – leading coaches whose reflections provide insight and inspiration.

The Technician is published as a supplement in each issue of our official magazine, UEFA Direct, and is available in English, French and German. The latest issue is available now.

Read The Technician No66

Key content

The rise of the specialist coach

A focus on specialists working within clubs and national teams featuring insights from various expert coaches – for throw-ins, set pieces and goalkeeping – and an explanation of the shift towards specific in-possession and out-of-possession work on the training ground.

Technical trends in the UEFA Women's Champions League

How is the women's elite club game developing? We shed some light using various examples, such as from long balls and possession, regains in the final third and physical performance and high-intensity output.

A longitudinal study of UEFA Women's EURO

By measuring the 2022 finals in England against past Women's EURO final tournaments, UEFA's analysts have highlighted improvements in passing, pressing and possession – underling the rise in standards owing to better coaching and fitness levels.

UEFA Women's EURO reviewed

A review of the UEFA women's national team coaches' conference with leading names – including winning coach Sarina Wiegman – offering their reflections.

The technical director's job

Interview with Willi Ruttensteiner on the work of a national association technical director, with his lessons drawn from his work with the football associations of Austria and Israel.