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UEFA president's sadness at Poland tragedy


UEFA president Michel Platini has expressed his sadness at the death of Poland's president Lech Kaczyński and Polish government officials in an air crash in Smolensk, Russia.

UEFA president Michel Platini has expressed his sadness at the death of Poland's president Lech Kaczyński and Polish government officials in an air crash in Smolensk, Russia, on Saturday.

European football's governing body is working together with the Polish Football Federation (PZPN) and the country's authorities to prepare for the UEFA EURO 2012 tournament to be co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine in two summers' time.

Mr Kaczyński and his wife were among the victims when their flight crashed while approaching Smolensk airport on Saturday.

Mr Platini said: "I was shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic accident. I wish to express my support at this difficult time to our football partners the Polish Football Federation and its president Grzegorz Lato, with whom we are preparing the organisation of UEFA EURO 2012 together with the Polish government."

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