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Noël Le Graët re-elected as FFF president


Noël Le Graët is set to lead the French Football Federation as they host UEFA EURO 2016 after being re-elected as the association's president for a second four-year term.

Noël Le Graët, president of the French Football Federation
Noël Le Graët, president of the French Football Federation ©Getty Images

Noël Le Graët has been re-elected as president of the French Football Federation (FFF) for a four-year term. "Thanks to all of you," Le Graët said to the FFF assembly in Paris. "We now have four years of hard work ahead."

It will be the second term for the former EA Guingamp president. Le Graët, who turns 71 on Christmas Day, came through the ranks of the former Professional Football League (LFP), the then National Football League (LNF), entering its executive board in 1984 and becoming president in 1991 – a post he held for nine years. During this period, he created the DNCG, a national directorate responsible for controlling the financial health of French clubs.

A vice-president in charge of economic affairs at the FFF since 2002, Le Graët was elected as president by the FFF assembly for the first time in June 2011. After his re-election, Le Graët welcomed the association's good health, and the solid relationship between the amateur and professional sectors.

Also a renowned businessman in the food industry and former mayor of Guingamp, Le Graët will head France into the process of hosting UEFA EURO 2016. "A gift which should benefit every district of French football," he reflected. "Succeeding in this organisation means handing down passion to younger generations and showing how football can unite."

Apart from EURO 2016, other main objectives include qualification for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, as well as a strong showing by the women's senior national team at the UEFA Women's EURO 2013 in Sweden this summer, and firm support to help boost the grassroots game in France.

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