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Michael Llamas

Michael Llamas
Michael Llamas ©Pepe Martinez

Nationality: British
Date of birth: 4 November 1964
Association president since: 2015

• Michael Llamas is a barrister. He practised European law in Paris and then in Brussels from 1992 to 2007, before returning to Gibraltar. He has advised the Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) and other sporting associations in Gibraltar in that capacity. In May 2015, he takes up the office of Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Gibraltar.

• Llamas was elected vice-president of the GFA in 2013, and president in March 2015. He was an accomplished football player in his younger years, having captained the Gibraltar youth teams.

• The new GFA president emphasised the continuing development of Gibraltar football, especially at grassroots level, as a direct consequence of UEFA membership. "Gibraltar has only recently (in 2013) joined the UEFA football family. Membership has required, and continues to require, a massive overhaul of the organisation of football in our country. It is a thrilling challenge, and one which the Gibraltar FA has embraced with enthusiasm and energy. We are determined to make our UEFA membership a success and stand ready to meet all the challenges that may come our way. Above all, it is of vital importance to devote time to the restructuring of football at grassroots level, since these are now the generations of Gibraltarians who will grow up in the world of UEFA membership”. Llamas was re-elected for a further four-year term in September 2017.