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Final preparations for tobacco-free EURO

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To mark World No Tobacco Day, UEFA has reaffirmed its no-tobacco policy for UEFA EURO 2016.

UEFA has reaffirmed its no-tobacco policy for UEFA EURO 2016
UEFA has reaffirmed its no-tobacco policy for UEFA EURO 2016 ©UEFA.com

To mark World No Tobacco Day, UEFA today reaffirmed its no-tobacco policy for UEFA EURO 2016, whereby all ten stadiums hosting matches from 10 June to 10 July will be tobacco-free zones, inside and out.

As part of the UEFA Respect your Health campaign, this summer's tobacco-free EURO will go one step further than any of UEFA's previous tournaments, with volunteers and stewards trained to ensure that spectators are made aware of the policy and the need to comply with it at all times. Anyone caught using tobacco or e-cigarettes once they have passed through the turnstiles will be asked to stop.

Over 6,500 people are volunteering at UEFA EURO 2016. All the volunteers involved in the Respect your Health campaign are receiving training on the no-tobacco policy through a purpose-built e-learning platform, an app and situational group sessions. The training, which coincides with World No Tobacco Day, is also being rolled out among security managers and stewards.

UEFA worked with the European Healthy Stadia Network and the World Heart Federation to develop its no-tobacco policy for UEFA EURO 2016. Tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of premature death and chronic disease around the world, and it causes over 700,000 deaths a year in Europe alone.

The main reason smoking will not be allowed at UEFA EURO 2016 is to protect fans and staff from the dangers of second-hand smoke – a direct cause of disease, disability and death. Other reasons include setting a good example to young people, minimising fire hazards and contributing to a tournament that promotes health and enjoyment for all.

Respect your Health is one of the eight social responsibility and sustainability priorities defined for UEFA EURO 2016, all of which featured in the tournament’s one-year to go report. More information on the eight priorities and the report is available here.

The strengthening of UEFA's policy on tobacco consumption and promotion is a natural step in its ongoing commitment to using football to promote healthy lifestyles and a safe, sustainable environment for all.