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Investing in the future: Football in every kindergarten


The Albanian Football Association (FSHF) and the Lorik Cana 5 Foundation have initiated a joint project to construct football pitches for the children of kindergartens, for a healthier and better life.

Armand Duka and Lorik Cana
Armand Duka and Lorik Cana ©FShF

The Albanian Football Association (FSHF) and the Lorik Cana 5 Foundation have initiated a joint project to construct football pitches for the children of kindergartens, for a healthier and better life.

The first pitch has just been inaugurated at a kindergarten in the city of Elbasan, but the project will eventually spread all over the country.

During the inauguration, the FSHF president, Armand Duka, said: ‘’In its strategy and objectives, the Albanian Football Association does not have only professional football, but it also aims to improve society in general. This project makes us happy because we see the future. By investing in a kindergarten, we have an impact on the life of the children that play sport and learn through sport about being healthy and being the best in their chosen profession. Sport educates and develops children, helping them in their journey through life.”

Lorik Cana said: “It wasn’t easy for us to choose the best way to promote the values of sport in Albania. Football is one of the elements that brought joy to our country even in the most difficult situations, nurturing renowned figures that have become role models for future generations.”

This article originally appeared in UEFA Direct 184