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Operation rules Phillips out


Sunderland AFC's Kevin Phillips will be out for three to six weeks after a hernia operation.

Sunderland AFC striker Kevin Phillips will be out for three to six weeks after having a hernia operation at the weekend, the English Premiership club said on Tuesday.

Second operation in four months
Phillips, who felt the injury in last month's draw with Manchester United FC, went under the knife for the second time in four months after having had groin surgery in late May.

'Disappointing for Kevin'
Sunderland manager Peter Reid told the club's website: "It's disappointing for Kevin but it's one of those things where we thought it would be best to get the operation done straight away."

Flo and Stewart standing by
The absence of the club's top scorer will leave new signings Tore Andre Flo and Marcus Stewart to take over up front - starting with tonight's northeast derby against Middlesbrough FC.

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