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FARE network receives European tolerance award

Anti racism

UEFA strategic partner the FARE network and UC Sampdoria striker Samuel Eto'o have been given the European Medal of Tolerance for their work in tackling discrimination.

Samuel Eto'o receives the European Medal of Tolerance from ECTR president Moshe Kantor
Samuel Eto'o receives the European Medal of Tolerance from ECTR president Moshe Kantor ©Getty Images

The FARE network has been awarded the European Medal of Tolerance in London for its "exceptional achievements" in tackling discrimination in football.

FARE has been a core strategic partner for UEFA since the two joined forces in 2001. They collaborate on activities to heighten awareness of discrimination, including the October 'Football People' weeks, which use matches in the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and European Qualifiers to give prominence to the message. FARE also monitors matches in UEFA competitions for incidents. UC Sampdoria striker Samuel Eto'o also received the award from the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR).

"UEFA is delighted that the FARE network receives this distinction," said special adviser to the UEFA President, William Gaillard. "It recognises their relentless efforts and expertise in tackling all forms of discrimination, in football and beyond. We are also pleased to see the honour bestowed upon Samuel Eto'o; not only a fine player who has enriched the European game but one who has looked to affect change having suffered from abuse."

The ECTR said: "As racism, anti-semitism and hatred are once again rearing their ugly heads on the terraces, on the field and in the boardrooms of sporting clubs and institutions, Samuel Eto'o and the FARE network are being recognised for their strong stance and action against growing racism, anti-semitism and intolerance in sports in general and football in particular."

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