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UEFA puts the floodlights on #FootballPeople


Clubs and national teams playing in UEFA competitions from 10 to 24 October are supporting Fare's #FootballPeople weeks – a campaign to raise awareness of the need to fight all forms of discrimination in football.

Children wearing #FootballPeople T-shirts have been accompanying the teams onto the field at the European Qualifiers
Children wearing #FootballPeople T-shirts have been accompanying the teams onto the field at the European Qualifiers ©UEFA

Teams participating in all European competitions over the next two weeks are planning a range of activities to highlight the #FootballPeople weeks campaign organised by the Fare network – UEFA's partner in the fight against discrimination, on and off the pitch.

The Russian and Dutch women's teams show their support for the #FootballPeople weeks and UEFA's #EqualGame campaign
The Russian and Dutch women's teams show their support for the #FootballPeople weeks and UEFA's #EqualGame campaign©KNVB

Prior to kick-off at all 98 matches organised by UEFA from 10 to 24 October, covering the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, European Qualifiers and UEFA Women's Champions League, players will line up for a mixed photo with referees and assistant referees. Teams will also hold up a sign displaying UEFA's #EqualGame hashtag. 

For the first time, all eight games in the UEFA Women's Champions League round of 16 will also feature in this initiative. 

Stadiums will play videos to deliver Fare's key messages, while children wearing #FootballPeople T-shirts will invite all supporters to stand up against discrimination and recognise the importance of inclusion, diversity and accessibility. 

The initiative complements the goals of UEFA's #EqualGame campaign
The initiative complements the goals of UEFA's #EqualGame campaign©KNVB

Focal point of the fight against racism
"The Fare #FootballPeople weeks are a crucial focal point of the fight against racism, discrimination and intolerance in football," said UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin, underlining how the initiative complements the goals of UEFA's own #EqualGame campaign. 

"Thousands of people are involved each year and UEFA is a committed partner, using its high-profile competitions as a platform to spread key messages," he added. "I call on football fans across Europe to join the campaign!"

Shared goals: Fare-UEFA partnership
"The Fare #FootballPeople weeks give the European football community the perfect opportunity to send out a strong and united message supporting inclusion and diversity," said Piara Powar, Fare executive director. 

UEFA has partnered with Fare since 2001, working towards the shared goal of eradicating racism from football.

The Fare network was set up in 1999 after fan groups, non-governmental organisations and representatives of ethnic minorities met in Vienna. It works at all levels of the game, ranging from Europe-wide campaigns, such as #FootballPeople weeks, to grassroots initiatives at local clubs.