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UEFA and fan groups in Europe meet in Nyon

Supporters About UEFA

The latest meeting between the Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE), SD Europe, Football Supporters Europe and UEFA took place last Friday in Nyon.

UEFA and fan groups in Europe meet in Nyon
UEFA and fan groups in Europe meet in Nyon ©UEFA.com

The latest meeting between the Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE), SD Europe, Football Supporters Europe and senior representatives from UEFA, led by First Vice President Karl-Erik Nielsen, Vice President Michele Uva and General Secretary Theodore Theodoridis, took place at the House of European Football in Nyon on Friday.

The meeting is part of ongoing dialogue between UEFA and fan groups in Europe.

Supporters' groups aired their concerns and views on a number of areas, including the treatment of and facilities away fans in stadiums, standing, visa and travel issues relating to UEFA EURO 2020, access for disabled fans and training for Supporter Liaison Officers at clubs which play in UEFA competitions.

UEFA updated fans on revisions to the disciplinary regulations and the process to shape its club competitions post 2024, while committing to involve fans in future discussions on the raised topics.

UEFA General Secretary Theodore Theodoridis said: "Fans groups play an important role in connecting supporters with clubs, leagues and governing bodies. These meetings give a valuable opportunity for us to exchange views and hear from fans. We won't always agree but we should always talk and I am grateful for the constructive atmosphere at this afternoon's meeting."