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McAllister returns to Coventry

Liverpool FC's Gary McAllister will become the new player-manager of Coventry City FC.

McAllister's privilege
The 37-year-old is to sign a three-year contract at the end of the current FA Premiership season to replace the sacked Roland Nilsson. "I am privileged to be asked," McAllister said. "I am aware there were a lot of senior managers who applied for this job. I will be player-manager - for how long I don't know but for one season at least."

Anfield 'fairytale'
McAllister, a former Scottish international, will return to Highfield Road on 13 May - two years after leaving it for Anfield where he has enjoyed an Indian summer. McAllister played a key role in Liverpool's treble success last term when they won the UEFA Cup, FA Cup and English League Cup. "It's been fairytale stuff up there," he added.