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Experienced pair to leave Anderlecht


Former Belgium duo Filip De Wilde and Bertrand Crasson will not be offered new contracts in the summer.

Glittering career
De Wilde, Anderlecht's 38-year-old goalkeeper, first signed for the club in 1987. He has made 240 appearances to date, although only six this season. The custodian moved to Sporting Clube de Portugal in 1996, but returned to Anderlecht two seasons later, where he enjoyed a successful career, winning seven league titles and five Belgian Cups. He won 33 caps for Belgium.

Undecided future
"It wouldn't be a shame for me to stop after this season," said De Wilde. "I had a lengthy foot injury this season it's true, but now I feel fit. Last weekend, coach Hugo Broos told me that he wouldn't include me in the team unless my contract is extended. Therefore I do not expect to play any more this season, but I still believe I can get an offer from another club. If not, I can work as an accountant, because I studied for that and have a diploma."

Long stay
Crasson, an experienced 31-year-old defender, has also spent the majority of his career to date with the club, with only a two-year stay at Italian side SSC Napoli interrupting his 289 games for the Belgian side. He played 26 time for Belgium and won six championships and four cups with Anderlecht after joining the club aged 14.

'I can still be a top player'
"It is a long story that ends with Anderlecht, and I would be lying to say that it does not affect me, but the club wants younger players and this a new policy in which I truly wish them the best of luck," Crasson said. "I want to prove that I still can be a top player, either in Belgium or in another country. My priority is Belgium because I want my children to go to school here. On the other hand, I want to play three to four years more – I still am very fit – and there might be foreign offers that I wouldn't be able to refuse."