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Amisse takes charge at Nantes


Loïc Amisse will take over from Angel Marcos as FC Nantes Atlantique coach next season.

Former French international Loïc Amisse will take over from Angel Marcos as FC Nantes Atlantique coach next season.

Marcos fate sealed
Amisse, 48, has been in charge of Nantes' reserve team and became one of the favourites to take over after a disappointing season sealed Marcos' fate. Nantes finished ninth in Ligue 1 and failed to qualify for European competition next season.

Championship wins
Left-winger Amisse, who won 12 caps for France, was, along with Maxime Bossis and Henri Michel, one of the key Nantes players of the 1970s and 80s, winning three French titles (in 1977, 1980 and 1983) as well as one French Cup (1979). Former goalkeeper David Marraud is expected to assist Amisse in his new job.