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Agnelli succumbs to cancer


Umberto Agnelli, Juventus FC's honorary president and former Italian Football Federation chief, has died.

Umberto Agnelli, the honorary president of Juventus FC, has died of cancer at the age of 69.

Saturday funeral
Agnelli, who was also president of the Fiat car company, died at his house in Mandria, near Turin, 15 months after his older brother Giovanni passed away. His funeral will be held tomorrow in Villar Perosa, the Agnelli family's home village, at 18.00 CET.

Golden age
Agnelli became Juventus president at the age of just 22 in 1956 and stayed in charge until 1962, a period which saw the arrival at the club of legends John Charles and Omar Sivori and which brought three Serie A titles.

Honorary role
Between 1959 and 1962 Agnelli was also the president of the Italian Football Federation. He then took a long break from football until 1994 when he returned to Juve as honorary president. In the last ten years the Bianconeri have won five Scudettos and the UEFA Champions League in 1995/96.

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