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Simonet calls time on presidency


After a decade's service, Claude Simonet will stand down as French Football Federation president next year.

Claude Simonet will stand down as French Football Federation (FFF) president next year.

Personal reasons
The 74-year-old has announced that he will not be seeking to win another term in office at the FFF elections in February 2005. "It is time for me to step back," he said. "My decision was made a long time ago." Simonet added that his primary concern would be taking care of his wife who has been ill recently.

Unparalleled success
Simonet was elected as FFF president on 19 February 1994, succeeding Jacques Georges who had assumed the role for a few months following Jean Fournet-Fayard's resignation. He presided over a period of unparalleled success as France won the 1998 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2000™.

Possible successor
"I proved that I had enough skill to take charge," said the president, who started his administrative career as treasurer of the Loire-Atlantique football association. The president of the French amateur division, Jean-Pierre Escalette, would appear to be Simonet's most likely successor.

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