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Germany held by defiant Dutch

Germany 0-0 Netherlands The world champions dominated but ultimately drew their final game of 2004.

By Mark Bennett

Germany 0-0 Netherlands
The world champions dominated this friendly in Berlin's Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark but were frustrated by a defiant Netherlands side, as Germany continued their preparations for their UEFA European Women's Championship title defence next June in England.

Early chances
The hosts started brightly and nearly went ahead after just four minutes. Pia Wunderlich broke down the left wing and found Kerstin Garefrekes, who headed just wide. Eight minutes later Wunderlich again did well to release Viola Odebrecht in a dangerous position, but the midfield player could not apply a finish.

Dutch resolve
Eliminated from the Women's Championship after finishing fourth in their qualfiying group, the Netherlands slowly made their way into the match and began to limit Germany's forward momentum. The home team's best chance of the half came from a Renate Lingor free-kick crossed for Birgit Prinz, who shot just wide.

Scoreless draw
The second half saw a similar pattern of play with Germany enjoying the majority of possession but unable to break down a Dutch side who were defeated 5-1 in their last qualifier against Denmark. Germany return to action in January, when they travel to China for a four-nation tournament.