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Wales could welcome Swansea

Swansea City FC may be offered a place in the Welsh league if relegated from the English third division.

Bottom of the ladder
Swansea, one of three Welsh clubs operating in England alongside Cardiff City FC and Wrexham FC, are bottom of the Football League - having sunk to 92nd place after failing to win since 24 August, nine games back.

European incentive
If Swansea, who are managed by former Welsh international Brian Flynn, lose their 81-year English tenancy, they could be tempted into the Welsh Premiership by the financial incentive of UEFA Champions League, UEFA Cup and UEFA Intertoto Cup football.

'A fair chance'
Welsh Premiership secretary John Deakin said: "Should Swansea wish to apply, they would certainly be considered. And given their history, there would be a very fair chance they'd be let in. There might be a few clubs who would be unhappy at Swansea applying to enter the league when they have spent so much time in English football, but that would be probably in their favour."

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