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Basel testing Zürich's resolve

Coach Christian Gross said his side "were fantastic" after FC Basel 1893 won 4-2 at home against FC Zürich to breathe new life into the Swiss title race.

FC Basel 1893 coach Christian Gross said his side "were fantastic" after they won 4-2 at home against FC Zürich to breathe new life into the Swiss title race.

Painful revenge
A 4-2 win at the Saint-Jakob Park meant Basel closed the gap on leaders Zürich to just three points and left Gross thrilled with his side's efforts. "They were fantastic," said the coach. With seven games to play before the end of the season, Basel could yet exact painful revenge for the defeat against Zürich that cost them the title last season. On 13 May 2006, Lucien Favre's side came to Saint-Jakob Park needing a win against their hosts in the final game of the season to steal the title. At 1-1 deep into added time, the home side were preparing to celebrate a third successive crown only for Iulian Filipescu to find the target for Zürich and snatch his side's tenth league title.

'Very unusual'
Sunday's game may have helped exorcise some of those demons, with Gross saying: "Today was a 100 per cent Basel day." Favre, meanwhile, was left to reflect on a below-par performance from his side, saying: "After a good start, we started to sit back which is very dangerous against such a physical team. We were too inconsistent today, and that is very unusual." Two goals for 19-year-old Ivan Rakitic - a Swiss striker of Croatian origin - proved to be the highlight of Basel's success, with Gross saying: "Rakitic, along with Scott Chipperfield, was great." Favre, meanwhile, was left to reflect on the crucial absences of Swiss internationals Blerim Dzemaili, who has torn cruciate ligaments, and the suspended Xavier Margairaz.

Reverse situation
Now the two coaches regarded as the best in Swiss football must look ahead to the remaining games with some suggesting that the title may not be decided until the last round for the second season in succession. Basel trailed Zürich by ten points at Christmas but are closing the gap, whereas last season it was Favre's men who were chasing the lead. The Zürich coach must now hope his side can hold their nerve, and admits: "It's a completely different situation from last season. We are under much more pressure now and Basel are a totally different team from what they were in the first part of the season."

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