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A huge UEFA Europa League final thank you!

Thank you for making the 2024 UEFA Europa League final a resounding success.

2023/24 UEFA Europa League final between Atalanta BC and Bayer 04 Leverkusen at Dublin Arena.
2023/24 UEFA Europa League final between Atalanta BC and Bayer 04 Leverkusen at Dublin Arena. UEFA via Getty Images

UEFA would like to extend heartfelt thanks to Atalanta BC, Bayer 04 Leverkusen and all the fans who participated in last night’s UEFA Europa League final in Dublin. Your passion and enthusiasm created a brilliant atmosphere, making the event truly unforgettable.

Special thanks go to the Football Association of Ireland, local authorities, and all the services participating in the match organisation. Your hard work and dedication were instrumental in making everybody feel safe and welcome.

We are also pleased to confirm that match officials noted no single incident throughout the event, which is a testament to the sportsmanship and respect shown by all attendees.

UEFA remains committed to providing the best possible experience for football fans, and your unwavering support plays a crucial role in achieving that goal. Thank you for making the 2024 UEFA Europa League final a resounding success.

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