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UEFA technical reports

UEFA's team of technical observers track European football's tactical and statistical developments at every level, from our youth tournaments right through to the men's and women's EURO.

We offer important insights into team performance, shining football's floodlights on the latest trends and changes, with crucial data revealed in fascinating detail.

Major findings are underlined in clips, statistics and graphics, which also offer up-to-date education and football development information, all quickly accessible in a modern digital form.

As well as supplying key information for the coaching community, UEFA's technical reports are also a worthwhile read for dedicated football statisticians and the media – and will certainly also be of interest to football fans and keen observers of the game throughout Europe.

Why are UEFA's technical reports important?

The reports provide a free resource for coaches at all levels across Europe to fine tune their own methods and understand the game at an elite level.

Each competition report enhances the educational concepts provided by UEFA, can improve coaches' competence and, consequently, foster the overall development of players and the game.

Visit UEFA's technical report website