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Harsher penalty for PSV

UEFA's Appeals Body has partially upheld UEFA's appeal in a case involving PSV.

UEFA's Appeals Body has increased the fine imposed on Dutch club PSV Eindhoven for the conduct of their fans at a recent UEFA Champions League match from €20,500 to €34,000.

UEFA appeal partially upheld
At a hearing in Nyon, Switzerland on Friday, the Appeals Body partially upheld an appeal by UEFA against the initial decision taken by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body earlier this month to fine PSV €20,500 for the improper conduct of PSV fans, including racist abuse and the throwing of missiles at the Arsenal FC striker Thierry Henry, at the Champions League match between the two clubs in Eindhoven on 25 September.

Strict warning
In addition, the body issued a "strict warning" to PSV that they would be severely punished if there were a repeat of any racist incidents. UEFA lodged its appeal against the initial decision in accordance with provisions laid down in its disciplinary regulations, expressing the view that the decision taken was too lenient, and that the case required further investigation.

Video evidence
A statement said: "The Appeals Body received video evidence of the racist behaviour of a limited number of spectators and took into account the fact that PSV Eindhoven had already been fined once for the racist behaviour of their supporters, in making their decision."

Spectators banned
"The fact that PSV Eindhoven have already identified, banned and reported to the police the spectators responsible for the offence was positively noted and taken into account by the body in reaching its decision to only partially uphold the appeal lodged by UEFA," the statement added.

Partizan appeals rejected
In another case, the Appeals Body rejected the appeals lodged by Yugoslavian club NK Partizan against the four-match ban handed to coach Nenad Bjekovic for improper conduct towards the referee, and a two-match suspension for player Dejan Zivkovic for his dismissal, both during the UEFA Cup match against Sporting Clube de Portugal on 3 October.