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Gurpegi gets two-year ban

Athletic Club Bilbao's Carlos Gurpegi has received a two-year ban after a testing positive for nandrolone.

Athletic Club Bilbao's Carlos Gurpegi has been banned from football for two years by the Spanish Football Federation's Competition Committee.

Positive test
The midfield player tested positive for the banned substance nandrolone following the opening game of the season against Real Sociedad on 1 September. Athletic claimed the player's body had produced the substance naturally but the three-man committee was not swayed by the argument.

Appeal planned
However, it did decide that the ban would be reduced by the period in which the 22-year-old player was temporarily suspended - between 14 February and 4 April. From the latter date Gurpegi was free to play until this final decision was made. Athletic announced immediately that they would be appealing against the ban.

'Absolute injustice'
A statement on the club's website, described the decision as an "absolute injustice". Athletic director Andoni Zubizarreta said: "This is totally unfair. The committee hasn't shown any more proof apart from the first test and I think this kind of ban requires more tests to prove the player was guilty." Athletic have not ruled out appealing to the ordinary courts.

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