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Milan and Dida face inquest

UEFA has opened disciplinary proceedings against AC Milan and their goalkeeper Dida.

UEFA has opened disciplinary proceedings against AC Milan and their goalkeeper Dida in the wake of events at last week's UEFA Champions League Group D match against Celtic FC in Glasgow.

Disciplinary regulations
The proceedings have been instigated on the basis of Article 5 paragraph 1 of the disciplinary regulations (Principles of conduct), under which "member associations, clubs, as well as their players, officials and members, shall conduct themselves according to the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship". UEFA's Control and Disciplinary Body will hear the case on 11 October.

Thursday hearing
On Friday, UEFA announced that it had opened disciplinary proceedings against Celtic on charges of lack of organisation and improper conduct of supporters at the same match (Articles 6 and 11c of the UEFA disciplinary regulations). This case will also be heard by UEFA on 11 October.

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