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Agger named Danish player of the year

"Winning this award is one of the greatest things you can achieve as a Danish footballer," said Denmark captain Daniel Agger after being named his country's player of the year.

Daniel Agger was delighted to be named Danish player of the year
Daniel Agger was delighted to be named Danish player of the year ©Getty Images

Denmark captain Daniel Agger claimed his country's player of the year award at a ceremony in Copenhagen, while Brøndby IF's Theresa Nielsen picked up the women's prize.

Liverpool FC defender Agger, pipped William Kvist, Niki Zimling and Nicklas Bendtner to the award and underlined his delight at scooping the honour. "Winning this award is one of the greatest things you can achieve as a Danish footballer," said Agger, 27. "I'm really committed to spending all my time involved in football.

"I have to admit that there were times when I doubted that I would ever stand here. I have been down and out with injuries, but awards like this make me want to keep going. It is my attitude that means I am standing in this position."

At the same ceremony, Brøndby right-back Nielsen failed to hold back the tears as she claimed her award. "It has been a simply fantastic year for me," said the 26-year-old. "We won the double with Brøndby, we are going to the European Championship with the national team and now this."

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