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UEFA has two disciplinary bodies – the Control and Disciplinary Body and the Appeals Body. UEFA Disciplinary Inspectors represent UEFA in proceedings before the disciplinary bodies. These authorities are independent within the organisation, and its members are bound by UEFA's rules and regulations.

The Control and Disciplinary Body deals with disciplinary cases, both on and off the field, which arise from the UEFA statutes, regulations and decisions of UEFA that do not fall within another committee or body's competence. The Control and Disciplinary Body decides on the halting of proceedings; acquittals; convictions; and the dismissal or acceptance of protests. It also decides on eligibility to play and the admission of clubs to UEFA competitions.

The Appeals Body deals with appeals against disciplinary decisions taken by the Control and Disciplinary Body. It either confirms, amends or revokes the contested decision.

The role of the Disciplinary Inspector can be compared with that of a state prosecutor. Disciplinary Inspectors investigate violations of the UEFA statutes, regulations and decisions, and represent UEFA in disciplinary proceedings. They may open disciplinary investigations and lodge appeals and cross-appeals. Disciplinary Inspectors are appointed by the UEFA Executive Committee.

Within the UEFA administration, the disciplinary services unit undertakes the key role of monitoring matches with the aim of eliminating match-fixing. Matches in the top two divisions and domestic cup competition in the UEFA member national associations, as well as all matches organised by UEFA, are analysed using a Betting Fraud Detection System (BFDS).

In conjunction with the three bodies mentioned above, strict measures are enforced if clubs, associations or individuals are found to be guilty of manipulating a match for betting or other purposes.

Disciplinary matters are administered by UEFA's Legal Affairs division under director Alisdair Bell.