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UEFA invites bids to stage EURO 2032 finals

Process to run concurrently with bids to host EURO 2028

UEFA has started the process to stage the EURO in 2032 by inviting applications from its 55 national associations
UEFA has started the process to stage the EURO in 2032 by inviting applications from its 55 national associations ©Getty Images

UEFA has kicked off the process to stage the EURO in 2032 by inviting applications from its 55 national associations.

The move follows the opening of applications to stage EURO 2028 in September this year and seeks to help consolidate long term football and financial planning plans for the European national associations by offering clearer prospects to partners and rights holders.

Both processes will run at the same time, with the final decision being made by the UEFA Executive Committee at its meeting in September 2023. The key dates on the timeline are expected to be:

23 March 2022 - Deadline for associations to confirm their interest to bid

12 April 2023 - Final bid dossier submission deadline

September 2023 - Appointment of hosts of UEFA EURO 2028 and 2032