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UEFA and Turkish Football Federation presidents meet in Helsinki

UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin met with the new President of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF), Mehmet Büyükekşi, ahead of the UEFA Super Cup match on Wednesday to discuss the country's staging of major UEFA events in the forthcoming season.

Aleksander Čeferin, UEFA President and Mehmet Büyükekşi, Turkish Football Federation President
Aleksander Čeferin, UEFA President and Mehmet Büyükekşi, Turkish Football Federation President UEFA via Getty Images

The talks in Helsinki followed Büyükekşi’s recent election as TFF President for a one-year term and centred on two coming events in Istanbul – the 2022/23 season kick-off event and UEFA club competition group stage draws later this month, as well as the UEFA Champions League final next June.

The TFF President also presented his vision and strategy for the organisation's future development, emphasising the intention to raise Turkish football's brand value over the coming years.

Büyükekşi, a graduate in architecture, business and English language, was the former president of Gaziantep FK and is active in many business associations.

Büyükekşi elected TFF president