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Jurietti out of Bordeaux squad

Franck Jurietti has joined Stéphane Dalmat and Joseph Enakharire among the absentees for FC Girondins de Bordeaux's trip to Liverpool FC.

Franck Jurietti has joined Stéphane Dalmat and Joseph Enakharire among the absentees for FC Girondins de Bordeaux's UEFA Champions League game against Liverpool FC.

Injury list
Full-back Jurietti, who has featured in the first three games in the competition, sprained his ankle during Bordeaux's 3-1 win at home against CS Sedan-Ardennes on Saturday. He has been withdrawn for Tuesday's trip to Anfield along with midfielder Stéphane Dalmat and defender Joseph Enakarhire who have failed to recover from thigh and ankle injuries respectively. Centre-back Marc Planus and former Liverpool midfielder Vladimir Šmicer will also miss out through injury, although they will be travelling to support their team-mates.

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