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Second operation keeps Rosický sidelined

Tomáš Rosický is no nearer to a quick return to fitness at Arsenal FC after the Czech Republic playmaker had a second operation on the left knee injury which has already kept him out of action since the end of January.

There is no end in sight to Tomáš Rosický's injury problems
There is no end in sight to Tomáš Rosický's injury problems ©Getty Images

Tomáš Rosický's injury troubles at Arsenal FC go on after the midfielder had more surgery on the left knee injury which has kept him out since January.

Rehabilitation programme
Rosický, sidelined since limping out of an FA Cup tie on 26 January, had a follow-up operation in Germany on Monday, which Arsenal described as "routine revision surgery". His tendon injury was first operated on in May. The north London club said: "Tomáš Rosický underwent routine revision surgery ... The operation went as planned and Tomáš will spend at least a few weeks convalescing in Germany. Thereafter he will follow a tailored rehabilitation programme devised by our medical team."

Wenger hope
Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger said last month he hoped Rosický, 28, would be back before the new year. Rosický has made 44 Premier League appearances since joining the Gunners from BV Borussia Dortmund in summer 2006. The injury also caused the Czech Republic captain and playmaker to miss UEFA EURO 2008™.