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Mission: Masterclass – Dimitar Berbatov and Ben Foster on free-kick success

"If you have the right technique, you don’t need too much power," says Dimitar Berbatov as he and ex-Manchester United team-mate Ben Foster talk through the art of free-kick taking.

Enterprise Ep. 2: Berbatov vs Foster - Revealing the Secrets to Free-Kick Success

"It’s down to confidence," Dimitar Berbatov tells Ben Foster as the ex-Manchester United team-mates discuss what made the likes of ex-Juventus star Andrea Pirlo set-piece masters.

For Berbatov, the way the Italian placed the ball before even starting his run-up was a measure of his self-belief: "You know something is coming your way." Foster could only agree as he looked over footage of Pirlo setting up: "I know for a fact that he's going to be working me. Its horrible."

In this piece presented by Enterprise Rent-A-Car, three-time UEFA Champions League finalist Berbatov and his sometime Old Trafford team-mate Foster challenge each other to a free-kick contest and ponder what it takes to be a set-play maestro.

Berbatov sends one straight over the wall for Tottenham in 2007
Berbatov sends one straight over the wall for Tottenham in 2007PA Images via Getty Images

Bulgaria great Berbatov perfected his own technique over the course of a 20-year club career with CSKA-Sofia, Bayer Leverkusen, Tottenham, Fulham and Monaco, as well as Man United. Now 42, Berbatov is still a superb free-kick taker, as Foster finds to his cost when they engage in a good-natured contest.

Some takers used raw power from set pieces, but Berbatov had little use for that given his ability to coolly stroke shots over a defensive wall. "Over the wall but with more technique than power," he said as he talked through his tried-and-tested method. "For me personally, over the top [was better] because I depended on my technique not my power for shots."

Berbatov's technique was anything but hit and hope, with a good deal of thinking going into every free-kick he got within shooting range. "[It] depends on where the wall is, the goalkeeper, who is the goalkeeper; stuff like this [you] take into consideration and then make your choice how to hit the ball."

Goalkeepers, of course, have to deal with whatever comes their way from free-kicks, though Foster felt he committed a cardinal sin as he faced Berbatov for our cameras, offering his former team-mate a side and then failing to save when the ball was hit into the indicated corner.

"As soon as you was about to take it I took a little step and a little look to my right hand side and it just kills you [when the ball flies into the net on that side]," said Foster. "That is a goalkeeping error, seriously. If that ball goes in there, it’s my fault – sorry, lads."

Watch the video above to see whether Berbatov gets the better of Foster from over the wall.