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Petrović plumps for Brazilian flair

PFC Litex Lovech coach Ljupko Petrović has made his third signing of the winter, handing Brazilian midfielder Tiago da Silva a permanent contract.

PFC Litex Lovech coach Ljupko Petrović has made his third signing of the winter, handing promising Brazilian midfielder Tiago da Silva a permanent contract.

Fitness race
Tiago has been on trial with the Bulgarian team since the start of the month and has impressed in practice games at the side's training camp in Cyprus. He arrives at the Gradski stadium in the same week as Bosnian international Vladan Grujić, while defender Martin Kovachev has also joined during the transfer window as the side prepare for the UEFA Cup Round of 32 meeting with RC Strasbourg. Tiago is unlikely to be fit in time to appear, however.

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