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Anderlecht struck by double injury blow

RSC Anderlecht's Belgian league draw with champions R. Standard de Liège in Brussels on Sunday was tainted by serious injuries to defender Marcin Wasilewski and midfielder Jan Polák.

Marcin Wasilewski tussles with Standard forward Dieudonné Mbokani
Marcin Wasilewski tussles with Standard forward Dieudonné Mbokani ©AFP

RSC Anderlecht's 1-1 draw with champions R. Standard de Liège in Brussels on Sunday was tainted by serious injuries to defender Marcin Wasilewski and midfielder Jan Polák.

Unbeaten start
Guillaume Gillet cancelled out Dieudonné Mbokani's opening strike before the break to ensure the side from the capital maintained their unbeaten start to the campaign, yet the result was overshadowed by two unfortunate incidents in the first half. Czech international Polák was forced off after just 12 minutes with suspected cruciate knee ligament damage following a challenge from Standard's Igor De Camargo, while the injury sustained by Wasilewski is more severe still.

Double leg break
The Polish right-back suffered a double leg break after being fouled by Axel Witsel, who was dismissed for the offence in the 25th minute. Wasilewski was taken to hospital where it was thought he would undergo immediate surgery, yet Anderlecht have confirmed that this was not possible as he has suffered an open break and the risk of infection was too great. The 29-year-old, who has already been ruled out for the season, is taking antibiotics before having the operation later this week. The Belgian league leaders will commence their UEFA Europa League campaign without the two injured players against NK Dinamo Zagreb on 17 September.

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