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Double jeopardy for Venhlinskyy

FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk's Ukraine striker Oleg Venhlinskyy will miss important matches for club and country.

Surgery in Munich
The 25-year-old suffered a groin injury in training last week and doctors have advised him to undergo surgery in a Munich hospital. Dnipro defender Olexandr Poklonskyi recently underwent a successful course of treatment at the same clinic.

Final qualifiers
Venhlinskyy is expected to be out until October, meaning he will miss Ukraine's last qualifiers against Northern Ireland on 6 September and in Spain four days later. Ukraine currently lie third in Group 6, three points behind leaders Greece.

Vaduz trip
Dnipro, who gained a place in the UEFA Cup after finishing fourth in last season's Ukrainian Premier League, face FC Vaduz of Liechtenstein in the away leg of their qualifying round tie on Thursday, with the return in Dnipropetrovsk two weeks.

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