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Ogilvie re-elected in Scotland


Campbell Ogilvie will continue to put his vast experience at the service of football in Scotland after his re-election as Scottish Football Association president for a two-year term.

Scottish Football Association president Campbell Ogilvie
Scottish Football Association president Campbell Ogilvie ©SFA

The president of the Scottish Football Association (SFA), Campbell Ogilvie, has been re-elected for a further two-year term at the association's general meeting in Glasgow.

Ogilvie took up the post of SFA president in June 2011, and will continue to put his vast experience at the service of the Scottish game. He served Rangers FC as secretary and director over a 27-year period before joining Heart of Midlothian FC as managing director in 2005. He has also sat on various UEFA bodies, and became the SFA's first vice-president in 2007.

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