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Curmi takes over at Marsa


Maltese Premier League side Marsa FC have appointed Patrick Curmi as their new head coach.

Maltese Premier League side Marsa FC have appointed Patrick Curmi as their new head coach.

Impressive season
Curmi started last season at the helm of newly-promoted side Lija Athletic FC, but after a string of poor results he moved on to Pietà Hotspurs FC. Despite an impressive season there, including reaching the quarter-finals of the Maltese Trophy, Pietà opted for former Malta Under-21 coach Ray Farrugia. Curmi now replaces veteran coach Lolly Aquilina at Marsa.

Two bids
Marsa have also announced that they have accepted bids from two unnamed Italian clubs for their Nigerian duo of Minabo Asechemie and Eviparker.

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