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MOVE up and running in Moldova

Core partnership

A UEFA-funded project aimed at the psychosocial development of children through sport and games, and intended to operate in Central and South-eastern Europe, has been officially inaugurated in Chisinau.

Children enjoy the fun of the MOVE project
Children enjoy the fun of the MOVE project ©Terres des hommes

A UEFA-funded project aimed at the psychosocial development of children through games and sport has been officially inaugurated in Moldova.

Up and running
The MOVE project, implemented by the Terres des hommes Foundation Lausanne in partnership with UEFA, was launched last September in Moldova but had its official presentation in the capital city, Chisinau, on 17 January. (Click here to read about MOVE on the Terres des hommes website.)

Children's well-being
The project uses games and sporting activities, such as football, as a tool for improving the emotional well-being of children and, as a consequence, for preventing the exploitation and trafficking of the young. It will operate in four countries in Central and South-eastern Europe – Moldova, Albania, Kosovo and Romania – where the project plans to train community-based organisers, games teachers, primary-school teachers and Terres des hommes staff.

Confidence building
The MOVE national project manager for Moldova, Alexei Tarasenco, explained the work, saying: "On an individual level, these activities enable the children to reinforce their own personal and social capacities, and on a more global level they support reintegration of the children into their family, local community and, or, school system." While the games and sport help to enhance a young person's confidence in their abilities, the shared activities also promote tolerance, respect, co-operation, honesty, creativity, responsibility and discipline.

The project requires teachers, or animators, to undergo three stages of training: a two-week training period focused on methodology and psychosocial topics, through practice and games; a six-week coaching period including individual coaching visits in the field and group supervisions; and three replication sessions with peers within six months.

According to Alfonso Gonzalez, the Terres des hommes representative in Moldova, sporting events will be organised in each of the four countries and will engage parents and local communities. Support will also be offered to local initiatives that undertake to supply sports facilities for schools or local associations, particularly in the most disadvantaged communities. Grants will be available for recreational equipment.

Rights of the child
The Terres des hommes Foundation, founded and based in Lausanne, defends children's rights in 32 countries worldwide. It promotes respect for the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and carries out activities in close co-operation with parents, community members, the authorities and civil society. It was admitted to the UEFA Social Responsibility partnership portfolio for the 2007/2011 period.

Click here to find out more about the Terres des hommes Foundation.

Click here for details of the UEFA Social Responsibility partnership portfolio.