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Welcome to Bilbao for the UEFA Women's Champions League final!

UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin looks ahead to yet another major moment for the women's game.

A view inside the San Mamés Stadium
A view inside the San Mamés Stadium AFP via Getty Images

Dear football fans, dear finalists,

Welcome to Bilbao for the UEFA Women's Champions League final!

It is a great pleasure to return to one of Europe's most unique cities, a true cultural hub highlighted by iconic architecture. Football plays a central role in its community, and we expect a vibrant atmosphere when the two finalists step onto the field. I want to thank the Royal Spanish Football Federation for their hospitality and the hard work they put into organising such an event.

In recent years, UEFA has prioritised the growth of women's football, achieving significant progress through a focused strategy, substantial investment, and a commitment to making the sport accessible to all.

The UEFA Women's Champions League played pivotal in this process, highlighting the skills of top players, breaking remarkable attendance records, and inspiring generations of girls to engage with our beloved sport.

However, we're not stopping here. Starting in 2025, a revamped UEFA Women's Champions League format, alongside the launch of a second women's club competition, will generate even greater excitement and opportunities for players and clubs throughout the continent to chase a dream of European glory.

Returning to the current moment - two exceptional teams are poised to add a new page to football's history by claiming the esteemed trophy. Let's find out which team will emerge victorious.

I wish you all a great time and may the best team win!

Aleksander Čeferin, UEFA president

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