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Røddik Hansen gets Danish recognition

Line Røddik Hansen was named her nation's female player of the year at the Danish Football Awards in Copenhagen and said: "I am going to do my utmost to live up to this honour."

Line Røddik Hansen (right) was named as Denmark's female player of the year
Line Røddik Hansen (right) was named as Denmark's female player of the year ©SFA

Defender Line Røddik Hansen was named Denmark's women's player of the year on Monday, with the former Brøndby IF player determined to show she was a worthy winner.

The 22-year-old, who joined Swedish side Tyresjö IF from Brøndby in the summer, is already a fixture at left-back for Denmark, having earned 46 caps despite her tender years. She is now determined to continue achieving after being recognised at the Danish Football Association (DBU) ceremony. "I am going to do my utmost to live up to this honour," she said. "I would like to thank my team-mates, our sponsors and in particular my boyfriend."

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