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Klinsmann to coach Germany

Jürgen Klinsmann will lead Germany into the 2006 FIFA World Cup after signing a two-year contract as head coach.

Jürgen Klinsmann will lead Germany into the 2006 FIFA World Cup finals after accepting a two-year contract from the German Football Association (DFB) to become their new coach.

'An honour'
DFB press officer Gerhard Mayer-Rhön confirmed: "Jürgen has taken up his post." Klinsmann, who flew in from the United States on Saturday to negotiate with DFB officials, said: "I will be in charge of the team. This post is an honour."

Playing experience
Capped 108 times in his playing career, he takes over from his former strike partner Rudi Völler, who stepped down after Germany's elimination at the group stage of UEFA EURO 2004™. Klinsmann, who turns 40 on Friday, played in Germany's victorious sides at the 1990 World Cup and EURO '96™. He now faces nearly two years of friendlies as Germany will host the 2006 finals.

Coaching team
Klinsmann will be assisted by Holger Osieck, who was part of Franz Beckenbauer coaching team from 1984-90, and another of his ex-attacking partners, Oliver Bierhoff, will be team manager. Klinsmann, currently an advisor to Major League Soccer team Los Angeles Galaxy, added: "The people who will be involved simply have to fit in. The responsibilities have to be shared equally. You cannot make those decisions from day to day."

Völler available
Klinsmann, who is taking his first coaching role although he does hold a licence, has also discussed the role with Völler. "He will be with us in the DFB boat," Klinsmann said. "You can always count on him. He built the team in the past four years from scratch and did a fantastic job."

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