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Nesmachniy shows respect to Reds

Andriy Nesmachniy admitted Manchester United FC outplayed FC Dynamo Kyiv for a 4-2 win but vowed to give the English champions a game in a fortnight's time.

FC Dynamo Kyiv defender Andriy Nesmachniy admitted that Manchester United FC outplayed them for a 4-2 win in the Ukrainian capital – but vowed to give the English champions a game in a fortnight's time.

'United much better'
Dynamo remain without a UEFA Champions League Group F point after United eased to a third win of their own, leading 2-0 on 18 minutes and never truly allowing the home side back into the game. Nesmachniy said: "Individually, United are much better than us and it was very hard for us, especially when we were one on one against them. We did not play as a team and we could not fulfil our gameplan. They were quicker, more determined, they played with a better sense of purpose."

On 7 November, Dynamo face United again, this time at Old Trafford, knowing another defeat would effectively end their campaign. But Nesmachniy is not ready to bow out just yet. "We have learned our lesson," he said. "We won't be dwelling on this, we need to work harder and improve. I don't think we are doomed in the next away game against them. If we avoid the mistakes we committed today on set-pieces, then maybe we can do something, because United will open up in front of their own fans."

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