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Stadium approval for Arsenal

Arsenal FC have been given the green light for a new 60,000 capacity stadium after winning council backing.

Completed by 2004/05
The FA Premiership club want to build a new stadium in Ashburton Grove, less than a mile from their present Highbury home. The project, which is expected to cost at least €480m, was approved by Islington council by 34 votes to eight. Work on the stadium will begin in summer 2002 with plans for it to be complete for the start of the 2004/05 season.

Double the capacity
The new stadium will have almost double Highbury's 38,200 capacity, bringing around €48m in additional income every season. Highbury will be sold for a luxury-homes development. However, the project still has a few more bridges to cross.

Official backing required
The mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, must give it his official backing and although he has indicated his support it is unlikely to be confirmed until the new year. There is also the possibility of a public inquiry because of the size of the project.