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Mangala hoping to help City take next step

Eliaquim Mangala is showing his best form after taking a year to settle at Manchester City and hopes to help the club make a serious mark in this season's UEFA Champions League.

Eliaquim Mangala is in his second season with Manchester City
Eliaquim Mangala is in his second season with Manchester City ©AFP/Getty Images

After Eliaquim Mangala's excellent start to his second season with Manchester City, it is evident why the club paid a sizeable transfer fee to sign the centre-back from Porto. Alongside Vincent Kompany, the French international helped City open their Premier League campaign with five successive clean sheets and is at the heart of their bid to progress from UEFA Champions League Group D.

The 24-year-old believes it is time for the Citizens to make their mark in the competition and spoke to UEFA.com about his tournament hopes, his partnership with Kompany and how he has adapted to life in England.

UEFA.com: What does it mean for you to play in the UEFA Champions League?

Eliaquim Mangala: Now I have more experience it is about aiming to go as far as possible. We know we have the right squad to go a long way, but we realise the competition is very difficult – it is very different from the league. You need experience, you need to have gone quite a long way in the competition. It is a lot more tactical. Things are more open in the English league, but here things are decided on narrow margins.

UEFA.com: Have the new arrivals at City improved your chances?

Mangala: I am convinced we have to do better with the players we have here, because we want to help the club develop. We have a well-defined project and we must do well: we have no choice. In the last few years we have stayed at the same level, but at some point, if you want to develop, you need to take a step forward and that needs to happen on the pitch.

City guide: Manchester

We still have games left to qualify, so we shouldn't sound the alarm. We are still confident and we will retain the same dynamic we've had since the start of the season and we will even get stronger.

UEFA.com: At Porto you were captain. How is it leading a team?

Mangala: Yes, I was really proud to be the captain of Porto because not everyone has the chance to do that. At Porto there have been some great names who were captain. That will remain a great memory and source of pride for me.

UEFA.com: Was it a dream of yours to play in England?

Mangala: Yes, the Premier League was a childhood dream. Since I was a kid it was all about English games, the Manchester derbies, Arsenal v Manchester United, Chelsea. You can see how committed the players are in this league, how fast and intense it is. So that is why I always wanted to be part of this league. I am very motivated and proud of my career so far.

UEFA.com: How do you assess your first season? Was it hard to adjust?

Mangala hunts down Diafra Sakho
Mangala hunts down Diafra Sakho©Getty Images

Mangala: Yes, it was a transitional year. It was very similar to the first season I spent at Porto. The only difference was the importance it assumed because I'd become a higher-profile player because of my transfer fee and the club I had joined ... I'd reached another dimension.

But the fact of having that experience at Porto helped me put all the media, press and TV attention aside, and I could say to myself: 'No worries, take your time, no problem, you have a long-term contract, you will learn, you will get to know the league.' At the end of the season, I played in the last six games and I felt very confident and comfortable. Now I feel very comfortable and I know exactly what the Premier League is about.

UEFA.com: Are you enjoying your time at City?

Mangala: I feel at ease, I have everything in my own hands in order to achieve good things. I know everything by heart, I've adapted to the lifestyle here, to how the club works, to the other teams and to the league. I have no problems any more, I have everything I need to achieve great things with Manchester City.

UEFA.com: Tell us about your defensive partners at City.

Mangala: Vincent Kompany has the experience to guide us, to guide me, and he is one of the best defenders in the Premier League. You can tell he feels very good this season, that he has had a good preparation. You can see he is playing at his top level, he is among the best. That can only help us and inspire me as well.

Nicolás Otamendi makes the team stronger and I know Nico really well, because I played with him at Porto. I know his skills and his level. If you are not giving your best, he is there [to take your place]. It is the same with every player. We bought Kevin De Bruyne, we bought Raheem Sterling, so it is the same for the forwards. They know they must perform because if they do not they will be replaced.